Please read all of the various points of contact below to find the best person for your inquiry. For all other professional inquires that do not fit any of these points of contact, you may use the direct email linked in the footer of this page to contact Marissa. Please keep in mind that if your inquiry is non-professional, it may be disregarded; and if your inquiry is about voiceover work or convention appearances, an agent will be looped in for you.

(Commercial & union Dubbing)
(Games & other Interactive)
(Pre-Lay Animation)

(The Amazing Digital Circus Full Cast bookings for conventions, signings, and other events)
(706) 405-9643

(Though Glitch Productions does not represent Marissa in any traditional sense, creators looking to make fansongs, fan animations, or host podcasts that involve The Amazing Digital Circus official cast MUST get permission and clearance from Glitch Productions before contacting Marissa directly)
P.O. Box
You can use this address to send fanmail, gifts, or whatever to!
Please keep in mind, however, that if you send an item you want signed, you MUST include a prepaid return label inside the package! Otherwise, we will not be able to send it back to you.